WordPress and Shopify Agency Switzerland

Wordpress or Shopify?

Are you thinking about switching from Shopify to WordPress? More and more business owners are realising that WordPress is the ideal Shopify alternative. WordPress is popular, easy to use and supported by hundreds of plug-ins that make your website even more customer-friendly.

WordPress als Shopify-Alternative

Both platforms work well for small businesses, but WordPress' extensive library of free and paid plug-ins can't be beat. From optimising your website to simplifying the shopping experience, there's a plug-in for pretty much anything you want to achieve. Developers release new plug-ins every day, so you can keep updating your website and make sure everything is up to date.


Shopify is specifically designed for selling your products online, whereas WordPress is an open platform. With WordPress, you can add a shop to your website if you want to, and it is a much more flexible platform than Shopify. While Shopify offers a simple layout and limited customisation options, WordPress is an open source platform that you can customise as you see fit. This can be a daunting task for people who don't know much about code. In any case, you don't have to be a programming expert to use WordPress - the website still offers many ready-made templates.


Since WordPress was originally a blogging platform, it is better suited for blog posts than Shopify. While you can also publish blogs on your Shopify website, WordPress offers more features that make it easier for visitors to find your website. WordPress also has more archiving features that allow you to keep track of your previous blog posts. Although the blog section is an often overlooked aspect of running a business, blogs are a great way to share news and information.

WordPress vs. Shopify Vergleich


Shopify offers around 70 themes to choose from for the design of your website. In comparison, WordPress offers thousands of design options, themes and plugins that allow you to fully customise the look of your website.


WordPress offers better SEO with more options and customisation possibilities overall. Shopify's SEO integrations are generally quite simple and do not offer additional options like the WordPress plugins.


Shopify strives to keep up with UX design trends and strives to keep the user experience up to date. However, with limited customisation options, usability can sometimes fall short. With the hundreds of options WordPress offers, they are at the forefront of UX design trends.


Shopify is only for those who sell products online. WordPress can combine a normal informative website with a shop in one.

How do you convert your website from Shopify to WordPress?

As your business grows, you may want to have more control over your website. WordPress is the perfect solution for a more customised solution. Transferring your website from Shopify to WordPress starts with choosing the right migration tool. There are several options available to help you make a smooth transition. You complete the transfer so that your products are transferred to the new website. From here, you can get creative and create new pages and an updated design that fits your business. You create new pages and update the design of your shop to fit your growing needs.

Shopify zu WordPress

There are many "how-to" articles and guides for migrating from Shopify to WordPress on the internet. Fortunately, switching from Shopify to WooCommerce is relatively easy with manual import/export plugins. It's important to remember that transferring your products will ensure that your shop's products and content remain the same. However, you will need a new website design to ensure that everything works smoothly on your new WordPress platform.

Once you have completed the migration, your website can be fully customised and edited to ensure it runs smoothly with your new WordPress theme and design. HellYes is a team of WordPress experts who can help you make this process go smoothly and get your website up and running for all your existing and potential customers.

WordPress does offer built-in tools to help you transfer your website, but you'll still have to get used to a completely new platform and put your business on hold while you deal with it. HellYes can convert your Shopify website for you so you can get back to selling your products and services as soon as possible. We've helped over 2,000 clients build WordPress websites for their businesses. With this kind of experience, we can convert your website quickly and efficiently.

Welche anderen Dienstleistungen bietet HellYes neben der Umwandlung von Shopify-Websites in WordPress an?

We can help you create a website that is mobile-friendly, optimised for Google and rich in SEO keywords. Lots of traffic can help you climb up the Google rankings, but you need an optimised website to find an audience in the first place. Here are just some of the services we offer:

If you're ready to move from Shopify to WordPress, get in touch with the best WordPress agency today to find out how we can convert and optimise your website.

HellYes not only offers top-notch WordPress website design services, but also shop services, search engine optimisation, ongoing WordPress maintenance and digital marketing packages to help your business in all areas.

Now you know that our team here at HellYes is more than equipped to make the switch from another CMS system to WordPress. Let us prove to you that WordPress is the ideal CMS.
